Description of product

The same process of selection and preparation of our cured meats, now presented in slices, a much more convenient format for the consumer and preserving all the organoleptic properties of flavor and texture of the cured meat.
We clearly select the best meats and subject them to a long and natural curing process. Only extraordinary pieces can become our cecina.
Is made from high-quality selected pieces that are properly shaped before curing them. Its higher quality, its slight infiltration of fat which, at the same time, gives, like in the Iberian ham the taste and succulence that make it the star among the cecinas.
Probably one of the best cold deli meats that you ever tested.
Ingredients: Meat of selected bovine animals, Mediterranean Sea salt and natural oak smoke from forests around our precious area.
Natural product made in artisanal form without additives, without preservatives or colouring matter.
Long natural curing (minimum 8 months) in the air of the “Geras de Gordón” mountains at 1 200 m above sea level in an environment designated by UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.
Gluten-free product
It should be stressed that it is a natural and artisanal product, so that each piece is unique. It is not an industrial product where additives, machinery and flavour enhancers lead to the mass production of identical products.